When I'm People Watching ...

When I'm people watching on the sidewalk
the oak tree drops acorn bombs
that thud off the roofs of cars
startling me and passersby
When I'm people watching on the sidewalk
it's either feast or famine
a lull with no one at all
or so many people of interest
my neck is sore
and my eyes just catch glimpses
When I'm people watching on the sidewalk
there is noise from construction & buses
a man on a cement mixer yells
a woman gets hit with an acorn
When I'm people watching on the sidewalk
I explain the acorns are falling from the oak tree
when a woman walking, glares at me
When I'm people watching on the sidewalk
I see workers carrying file cabinets on their backs
a man smashing cardboard in the trash
tourist trollies on tires w/ no tracks
people carrying computer trash
dogs on leashes
broken glass
When I'm watching people from the sidewalk
I see a crippled man w/ change in glass
a lot of ass
I nearly see an auto crash
a friend
a sailor I know from past
When I'm people watching from the sidewalk
I make a horrid glance
to the foot of an old man's pants
who's bowels relaxed too fast
I gasp & gag
his wet pants sag
Sometimes sidewalk people watching 's such a drag
ha! beautiful!
a little dirty at the end.
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