a lot of legal problems
John Mark Karr
what is it with John Mark Karr?
John Mark Karr
E Harmony (dot) Com, log on today
John Mark Karr
Head-On, applied directly to the forehead
Head-On, applied directly to the forehead
John Mark Karr
confessed killer
John Mark Karr
your DNA won't do
-by TMC (with input from JDP)
Yes Colonel Sanders,
It is true Father Corcoran is a myth.
I heard the myth likes boys and has siliphyth,
It causes his urine to run green with greasy discharge
To foul the sewer from Dupont to Potomac Ave
I heard the myth has diprith,
It makes him to make up his mind
Based on what others tell him
It causes him to create clouds of green smoke
Consume oceans of amber liquid--not ambergris
And avoid whatever it is he seeks.
I know not it all--at all.
But I see and I shall speak.
the only little boy I like is you
little skooky bain.
you're so cute.
awwwww...... (blushes)
HaHa. We are a bunch of sick bastards! (and that is just the two of us)
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